Awaken your Loving, Powerful and Authentic Self

If you’re into Personal Transformation,
LoveCore is for you! 

Our Direct Approach Flows Between Relentlessly and Lovingly Confronting Your Ego and Limiting Beliefs while Having Fun With It. 

Communication lies at the Core of Being Human. To be Alive Requires Constantly Expressing Ourselves.
Integrity is the Backbone of our Being. Developing it is Essential Step in Creating a Powerful Life.
Facilitator Training
Hard Core Training in All Aspects of Space Holding and Group Facilitation.
A-B-C of Dearmouring
4 part Training Cutting Deep into the Subject of Transforming & Transmuting Energetic, Behavioural and Emotional Body Armour. Potent Combination of Theory, Practise & Experience.
Movement & Connection
Social Eloquence Through Mastering Non-Verbal Communication and Liberating Natural Body Movement.
Partnership Reinvented
Recalibrate and Redesign Your Existing Relationship. Giving it Fresh Energy and Clear Potential of New Direction.

LoveCore offers a range of Trainings, Retreats and Personal Sessions designed to touch the very core of you. And to help you become the best version of yourself!

Our core offerings:

Why LoveCore?

Opening the Heart – Rooting in the Body – Exploding Passion for Life – Saying YES to Inner Guidance – Trusting Life and People – Creating your life as an expression of your deepest core and design.

Open your heart

LoveCore’s main purpose is accessing, practicing & expanding your capacity to love. This is at the core of all we do.

Express your hidden power

Helping you remove layers of protection, dis-empowering believes and social masks, letting go of shame and guilt, and creating you powerful and confident.

Create amazing relationships

We teach advanced communication skills. They will be yours to use every day, helping you create loving and empowering relationships wherever you go.

Personal growth

LoveCore will show you how to take charge of your life, claim your right to say yes and no, master your integrity, and stand strong on your own two feet.

Social mastery

Become masterful at creating connections wherever you go. Relate lovingly and powerfully. Learn how to be present to someone so they open to you and let you close to their heart.

Trust your guts

LoveCore teaches you to trust your inner guidance and wisdom, so you're not easily manipulated. This process of re-learning to trust your guts is vital to living aligned with your life purpose.

Get into your body

Through increased body awareness you can live a heart centered life. Intuitively making decisions that support your growth. Being fully present in your body is essential for balanced living.

Our programs

Dearmouring Training

A-B-C of Dearmouring

4 part training cutting deep into the subject of Transforming & Transmuting Energetic, Behavioural and Emotional Body Armour. Potent Combination of Theory, Practise & Experience.

Dearmouring Online Tutorial

Comprehensive Online Training in Body Dearmouring.

Hours of detailed Explanations and Demonstrations.

Over 50 videos of tuition.

Personal Transformation

– Communication Training

– Integrity Restoring & Building

– Movement & Connection Training

– Partnerships Reinvented

Facilitator Training

Hard Core Training in all aspects of Space Holding and Group Facilitation.


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What students say

Meet De'an Matuka

Founder and Head Instructor at LoveCore.

My own life is a laboratory of the human condition. Everything I offer comes from direct experience, and embodied wisdom.
My work is a combination of all the tools and techniques I used on myself during the past 35 years of continuous and relentless study and transformational work.
Fields I explored are: various forms of Bodywork, Energy-work, Meditation, Breath-work, Shamanism & Sacred Medicine, Integrity restoring practises, Communication, Emotional release work, Biodanza, Movement, Tantra, Men’s work.

  • Founder of LoveCore
  • Co-founder of DearmouringArts
  • Facilitator & Space Holder
  • Dearmouring Practitioner
  • Guide & Coach
Demonstration & explanation